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Energy Coaching

What is Energy Coaching?

The magic of Energy Coaching can help you identify and address the source of: stress, emotional triggers, lack of energy, nutritional challenges, and physical health; while aligning body and mind to work in harmony. ​

Joyce draws from her own extraordinary intuition as well as an overflowing toolkit of healing modalities to provide you with a magical experience (and some incredible AHA! moments) in your lifelong, personal and proactive health journey. 

Energy Coaching can take place in person at ZenbrioHouse in Eugene, OR; or online via Zoom. You will be able to choose your preference when booking.


Receiving personalized coaching, allows you to feel free, light, amazing, full of energy, productive, vibrant, aligned, playful, joyful, and full of life’s abundance.

In My Wellness Toolkit

Touch for Health

We all have different energy systems in and around our bodies. You may have heard of Meridians, Chakras, Auric field, etc.  Sometimes, these energy systems get blocked, backed up, or even just sluggish which can manifest in different ways - sometimes leaving you tired, anxious, foggy . Your body is sending you signals. When the blockages continue to stay stuck, these signals can end up creating a bigger issue such as body pain or illness. 


In TFH or Energy Kinesiology we use muscle monitoring/testing to find the inhibitions/blockages in your body’s energy system then use correction techniques to allow the energy flow once again. Allowing your body to feel free of the stress surrounding the blockage.  

Quantum Biofeedback Sound Frequencies

Quantum Biofeedback is a method of energetic testing and harmonizing. The goal is to inspire your body to remember to be healthy and to employ all of your inner resources to achieve that goal.

LifeWave® X39 Stem Cell Activation Patches

LifeWave X39 Stem Cell Activation Patches are clinically proven to provide the body with an elevated level of health and vitality!  The X39 Patch is a proprietary, patented and proven light therapy, non-transdermal patch technology that is safe, non-invasive and easy to use. LiveWave’s technology is the result of over 80 clinical studies and 10 years of research.  

Stress Indicator Point Systems (SIPS)

SIPS uses acupressure points to find out what kind of stress you are experiencing and help you move the stress out more efficiently.

Seven Chi Keys

A chakra modality that uses acupressure to correct disturbances or stress in the seven major chakras effectively.


NeuroCohesion™ is a state of being in resonance with our true self and in balance with the cycles and connection of the energy around us.  Based in neuroscience, energy medicine, and the Classical Chinese 5 Elements, NeuroCohesion™ seeks to understand imbalances at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels and restore homeostasis so that the body can heal itself.

Flower Essences

A subtle aid in shifting negative emotions. Flower Essences are used in coping with stress, anxiety, anger, fear, guilt, worry and many other disturbing feelings.

Attitude With Essence

A profound and powerful way to use flower essence to help you diffuse deep traumatic memories and allow you to rid your life of them. Elevating people to the next level of their life energy.

Access Bars

Each time you have your bars run can bring about more benefit and change in all areas of your life.  Stress can be reduced, trauma can be released, you can become more present with the peace of mind that you’ve been seeking.


Access Bars are 32 Neurovascular points on your head that are gently held.  This is done while you relax, fully clothed on a massage table.  Nothing to do but relax….. For an hour and a half to two hours.  How does it get any better than that?

Unique European Facials

Luxurious Facials using natural essential oils featuring YONKA Skin Care. Feel beautiful in your skin with facial massage techniques using specific pressure points which bring cleansing and healing to your body as well.

Spinal Flow

Spinal Flow Technique is a fast, effective way to heal from pain, dis-ease and illness.Using access points on the sacrum and cranium, your body is able to release three types of stress blockages: physical, emotional and chemical.


Spinal Flow is a gentle, non-invasive technique that creates change in the body using its own innate intelligence to heal.


• Esthetician Certificate – International Beauty School April 2009
• Touch For Health Instructor Certificate – November 2016
• GEMS Practitioner Certificate – July 2017
• Bach Flowers Certificate – May 2018
• Holographic Touch For Health Level 1 Instructor Certificate – November 2018
• Holographic Touch For Health Level 1 and 2 Practitioner – November 2018
• SIPS Practitioner – June 2019
• Spinal Flow Certification – April 2024 

“I had an amazing balance with Joyce about a week ago and it was fantastic! I went into my session venting about my lifelong irritation with my sister and came out feeling COMPLETELY FREE of it. Joyce was wonderful at helping me identify the grief underlying my frustration and she also helped me clear the resentment and pain that went back several generations (apparently). I walked away with a deep understanding of my role in the dynamic with my sister and could feel much more compassion and understanding toward her than I ever have. This is huge for me! I look forward to seeing how my relationship with my sister evolves because of this. Here’s one more awesome thing: ever since the session I have zero knee pain in my left knee. There has been a pain there (with certain movements) FOR YEARS but now it is completely GONE. I know it left my body during that balance. I am so grateful for Joyce and all the help she has given me the past three years. She is basically my therapist. She is kind, compassionate, and completely non-judgmental. I see her about once per month and she clears my stress and keeps me mentally healthy. I can’t recommend her enough.”

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